Resettlement practitioners agree that meaningful integration happens at the local level. Municipalities, elected officials, service and health care providers, the media, schools, employers, faith leaders, volunteers and refugees themselves all have a role to play in ensuring that newcomers become self-reliant members of society. The resources here offer strategies for building capacity in advocacy, volunteer management and shared cultural experiences to promote community exchanges with refugee and asylum seekers.


IRC Champions for Refugees Toolkit

A toolkit on how to raise awareness about refugees and cultivate champions.

10 Keys to Effectively Communicating Human Rights

This resource from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, available in 24 different European languages, sums up the core points practitioners should consider when delivering messaging about human rights and when developing communications on refugees and asylum seekers.


Social Emotional Learning Games Bank

Social emotional learning (SEL) is a core part of the Healing Classrooms programme. Session 4 in programme covers SEL in detail. This resource contains 62 different activities you can use with your students to help reinforce the five SEL competencies.

Social Emotional Learning Lesson Plan Bank

This resource is focused on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). It provides daily and weekly lesson plans to be used by facilitators to deliver SEL lessons across an academic year.

Educator Briefing Pack: Supporting Ukrainian Students

This IRC briefing pack provides an overview of education in Ukraine, considerations for working with Ukrainian students & families and approaches to welcome and support Ukrainian students

Educator Briefing Pack: Supporting Afghan Students

This IRC briefing pack provides an overview of education in Afghanistan, considerations for working with Afghan students & families and approaches to welcome and support Afghan students.

Community Outreach

Building And Sustaining Community Collaborations for Refugee Welcome: A Community Engagement Toolkit

A toolkit developed by Welcoming America to help organizations and community groups identify their current strengths and consider new strategies for expanding and deepening their collaborations in order to promote welcoming communities.

Building Welcoming Schools: A Guide for K-12 Educators And After-School Providers

A guide published by Welcoming America comprised of activities that promote a welcoming environment and inclusive school setting all year-round.

Community Engagement Program Assessment Tool

A EURITA self-assessment tool to help resettlement and integration practitioners identify the current stage of their community engagement program in the areas of Community Engagement, Identifying Stakeholders, Reception Planning, Community Education, and Refugee Inclusion & Ongoing Coordination, and to better understand the key components of program maturity.

Digital Civics Toolkit

A collection of resources published by the MacArthur Research Network on Youth and Participatory Politics that explore a range of civic opportunities and dilemmas via five modules: Exploring Community Issues, Investigation, Dialogue, Voice, and Action.

Faces of Resettlement Reflection Questions & Lesson Plans for Community Members

Faces of resettlement reflection questions and lesson plans published by the Cultural Orientation Resource Exchange featuring refugees from Bhutan, Burma, Burundi, Iraq and Sudan sharing their stories.

Neighbors Together: Promising Practices to Strengthen Relations with Refugees And Muslims

A toolkit published by Welcoming America that outlines practices to counter anti-refugee and anti-Muslim sentiment.

Recipe Book for Integration

A toolkit published by Caritas for volunteers and communities to support integration.

Salam Neighbor

An award-winning documentary that showcases the experiences of those living in a refugee camp.

Stand Together: Messaging to Support Muslims And Refugees in Challenging Times

A toolkit published by Welcoming America to help advocates with messaging in support of Muslims during challenging times.

Stronger Together

A toolkit published by Welcoming America that provides guidance on how to effectively communicate the potential of newcomers to serve as a force for economic growth.

Ten Ways to Fight Hate

A guide that lists ten ways to fight hate and promote inclusion and tolerance within your community.

How Companies Can Mentor LGBTQ Refugees

This guidebook produced by Tent Foundation and ORAM is intended to provide companies with guidance on how to establish and implement professional mentorship programs for LGBTQ refugees and asylum seekers.

The Receiving Communities Toolkit

A guide published by Welcoming America that aims to engage mainstream America in the process of integrating newcomers.

Welcoming America

An organization that works to reduce the barriers that immigrants face to fully participating in their communities.

Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative

The Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative, a Canadian led initiative, provides countries with assistance for opening up new pathways for refugee protection. Their website includes a guidebook and planning tools for starting a community sponsorship programme, alongside a number of online learning resources and training modules.

Volunteer Engagement & Management

Mentoring Refugees: A Handbook for Volunteers

A EURITA handbook that serves as a resource manual and training guide for volunteer mentors providing one on one cultural orientation to refugee families in the community.

Refugee Resettlement in Partnership: A Guide for Community Volunteers And Institutions

A guide published by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) describing suggested methods to engage volunteers in refugee integration activities.

Volunteer Management Manual – Section 1: Five Stages & Introduction

An introduction to the EURITA volunteer management manual and the five stages of the volunteer and intern life cycle.

Volunteer Management Manual – Section 2: Home-Based Volunteers

This section of the EURITA volunteer management manual outlines guidelines and best practices for working with home-based volunteers following the five stages of the volunteer life cycle.

Volunteer Management Manual – Section 3: Working with Corporate Volunteers: Volunteerism

This section of the EURITA volunteer management manual outlines guidelines and best practices for working with corporate volunteers based on the five stages of the volunteer life cycle.

Volunteer Management Manual – Section 4: Volunteer Coordinator Resource Library

This final section of the EURITA volunteer management manual contains over 70 templates and resources that are adaptable for your use.

Volunteer Program Assessment Tool

A EURITA self-assessment tool to help resettlement and integration practitioners identify the current stage of their volunteer programming in the areas of Planning, Recruitment & Placement, Orientation & Training, Support, and Post-Service, and to better understand the key components of program maturity.

Managing Virtual Volunteers

This EURITA guidance document outlines best practice tips for managing virtual volunteers.

Volunteering for Refugee Integration

A toolkit published by the SHARE Network which promotes benchmarks for volunteer engagement in refugee integration in European countries.

EURITA Presentation on Volunteer Management

A EURITA presentation on effective volunteer management. It outlines the five stages of the volunteer management cycle and ways to engage home-based and corporate volunteers.

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Educator Briefing Pack: Supporting Ukrainian Students

This IRC briefing pack provides an overview of education in Ukraine, considerations for working with Ukrainian students & families and approaches to welcome and support Ukrainian studentsRead more...

Cultural Backgrounder: Refugees from Ukraine

This EURITA guidance document provides resettlement communities with information on refugees from Ukraine.Read more...