Refugees and asylum seekers who must learn to navigate unfamiliar systems, often without fluency in the receiving country language, can benefit greatly from case management. Strength-based case management which emphasizes that everyone has inherent resources to achieve their goals, can lead to early self-reliance. The resources in this section highlight best practice program models and service delivery techniques for effectively engaging with and supporting refugees and asylum seekers.

Fundamentals of Service Delivery & Case Management
Case Management Manual
A manual published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops covering the basic principles and ethics of social work and how these apply to everyday situations in service provision for refugees.
Case Management Practice Assessment Tool
A EURITA self-assessment tool to help resettlement and integration practitioners identify the current stage of their case management practice in the areas of Client Engagement…
Case Management Program Assessment Tool
A EURITA self-assessment tool to help program managers identify the current stage of their case management programming in the areas of Case Management Practice, Recruitment…
Case Management Service Plan
A EURITA sample plan to assist service providers in helping clients identify their short and long-term goals along with actions to achieve them.
Resettlement Assessment
The Resettlement Assessment is a EURITA template and guide which includes suggested questions for resettlement staff to use to measure the key outcomes of resettled refugees. These outcomes include whether refugees have adapted to their new lives, feel safe, can access services, and feel included in their communities.
Comprehensive Client Assessment tool
A EURITA sample tool to help service providers assess their clients’ needs in areas including language, employment and finances, food, housing, and health.
SHARE City Curriculum
Strength-based Case Management Webinar Presentation
A EURITA presentation that provides an overview of the strength-based approach, defines professional boundaries, and identifies case management tools for the European context.
The Story of Newly Resettled Refugees And The IRC
Guidelines for Remote Case Management
This EURITA guidance document outlines ways to support effective remote case management for resettlement programmes whilst maintaining client confidentiality. It includes a checklist for client safety planning.

Mental Health & Wellness
Mental Health Resources
Post-traumatic Integration E-Learning Training Modules
US Programs Mental Health And Wellness Manual
Trauma And Case Management
Psychological first aid: Guide for field workers
This guide covers psychological first aid which involves humane, supportive and practical help to fellow human beings suffering serious crisis events.
Psychological First Aid during COVID-19 Response - Webinar
This webinar, delivered by Switchboard, describes: the goals and purpose of psychological first aid (PFA); the 5 Basic Principles of PFA; and the Core Actions of PFA during the COVID-19 response.
HIAS Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Curriculum
A resource from HIAS for providers to implement community-based support groups for refugees, newcomers and
HIAS MHPSS Curriculum Implementation Guidelines
This document should be used alongside the HIAS Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Curriculum during planning stages. These guidelines are designed to aid organizations in implementing support groups.
HIAS MHPSS Training and Resource Annex
This Training and Resource Annex should be used alongside the MHPSS Curriculum and Implementation Guidelines. It contains resources, information, and further reading on key topics related to support groups.

Professionalism, Boundaries & Self-Care for Integration Practitioners
Boundaries, Staff Safety And Self-Care
EURITA Webinar Presentation on Expectations, Boundaries And Self-Care for Resettlement And Integration Practitioners
A EURITA webinar presentation on managing expectations, setting professional boundaries and practicing self-care for…
Headington Institute
Self-Care And Lifestyle Balance Inventory
Stress & Resilience Course (E-Learning)
Wellbeing for Refugee Service Providers during COVID-19: Am I Ok?
This post, developed by Switchboard, is one in a series on self-care and emotional wellbeing for refugee service providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resources for Dealing with Stress and COVID-19
These resources, recommended by the Refugee Health Alliance, are aimed at managing stress.
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Featured Resources

Educator Briefing Pack: Supporting Ukrainian Students
This IRC briefing pack provides an overview of education in Ukraine, considerations for working with Ukrainian students & families and approaches to welcome and support Ukrainian studentsRead more...

Cultural Backgrounder: Refugees from Ukraine
This EURITA guidance document provides resettlement communities with information on refugees from Ukraine.Read more...